
Neck pain osteopathic treatment

Osteopathy looks at the cause

The osteopath examines thoroughly where the cause of the pain is located. This may be a blockage of the cervical vertebra, but this may also be due to other causes. Tension in the organs will ensure that strain in the neck will occur, because there is a neurological connection between the organs and the neck. With soft stretching techniques, the osteopath can reduce this organtension. The neck will therefore feel less stiff immediately and the result will be long-lasting.


People after a whiplash can get chronic neck pain. Namely concussions and car accidents create tension in the bones of the skull and in the neck. This stress often leads to blockages of the vertebraes. Physiotherapists and manual therapists can not treat these blockages well. Osteopaths have knowledge of the biomechanics of the skull and can treat your chronic neck pain more effective.

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